A Guide To Intercessory Prayer
by Rev. Richard W. LaFountain

Step 10... Pray For Ministries

Pray for the ministry and those who minister in the church.  Paul
urged praying Christians to intercede on his behalf.  While Moses
interceded for the battle with his hands raised he needed helpers in
intercession to UPHOLD him, his arms, in prayer.  No man is an island
no man stands alone.  We are to pray for the ministries and ministers
of the house of God.

     "Not as though we are sufficient of ourselves to think
      any thing as of ourselves; but our sufficiency is of God:
      Who also that made us ABLE MINISTERS of the New Testament."
      2 Cor 3:5-6

                THE PEOPLE WHO MINISTER:

The Pastor and his family
The Elders and their families
The Deacons
The Deaconesses
The Sun. School Superintendent
The Officers, treasurers etc.
The Musicians
The Sunday School Teachers
The Youth Leaders
The W.M.P.F. President
The Alliance Men President
The Trustees
The Greeters
The Visitation People

                  THE MINISTRIES:

The Radio Ministry
The Van Ministry
The Shut in Ministry
The Preaching Ministry
The Prayer Ministries
The VBS program
The Upcoming Special Services
The Missions Conference
The Governing Board Decisions
The Counseling Ministries
The Music Committee
The Evangelism Committee
The Bylaw Committee
The Christ. Ed. Committee
The Missions Committee
The Praise Pantry
The Janitors
The Quiz Teams
The Church Office
The Sound & Tape Ministry
The Greeter Ministry
The New Converts
The Nursery Ministry
The Junior Church Ministry

                THE NEEDS OF THE CHURCH:

The Children's Club program
The Visitors & New Families
The Community Outreach
The Growth Strategies & Plans
The Financial needs
The Equipment Needs
The Building & Property needs
The Parking problem
The Future
The Future Staff/Pastors
The Retreat Ministries
The Discipleship Ministries
The College Ministries
The Baptismal candidates
The Visitation Teams
The Bible Study groups
The Evangelistic outreach
The New Members Applicants
The Attendance Growth
The Church Advertising
The Literature Ministry
A Church Planting Ministry
Men's Missions Tours
Youth Missions Tours

