Prayer Today Online
We exist to train God-hungry people in the disciplines of prayer.

Personal Prayer Retreats
Prayer Retreats

We are seeking individuals all over the United States who have private cottages, cabins, and chalets, who are willing to rent them out to individuals personal prayer retreats.

Available Listings

Retreat Centers
Private Cottages

To list your cottage, cabin or retreat location
Click here.

Cottages of Prayer

"Cottages of Prayer," is a portion of Prayer Today dedicated to the secret place of the Most High - a place where those hungry and thirsty for the Lord can meet alone with God in the garden of prayer. We encourage God's people who own cottages to consecrate them as places of prayer.

Our desire is to network cottage owners to provide secluded prayer retreats housed in rustic private cottages. These private owners have made their cottages available at a nominal cost for the sole purpose of individual prayer retreats.

These cottages however are not available for group retreats. Anyone wishing to reserve a cottage for a private prayer retreat may contact the owner directly.

Depending on the cottage prices are from $10 to $35 per night. Cost is up to the cottage owner. You must bring your own food, utencils, paper plates, etc. and leave the cottage clean as you found it.

List your cottage, camp, or retreat center here and be contacted directly by intercessors in your own local area.

Many other Retreat Centers are available in other areas:

Order a print of a Thomas Kincaid cottage at the Lamp Post Gallery