Stinkin Book Cover Dick LaFountain's newest book "Stinkin' Thinkin'" is a study of dysfunctional thoughts and thinking habits that create negative emotions. Based on a series Pastor Dick has preached in several churches, it chronicles 10 Cognitive Distortions, otherwise known as "10 Lies of Satan", which many of us habitually think that make us vulnerable to emotional dsyfunction. They are thoughts we think, that stink.

They are untrue thoughts based on our emotions. The premise of the book is based on cognitive therapy, that is, our thoughts create our emotions. If we change our thoughts and we will change our emotions. That is a biblical principle! God cares about out thoughts. They either accuse or excuse our behavior. God holds us accountable for the thoughts we think. Our thought patterns reveal our REAL BELIEFS.

They are habitual thoughts and our internal dialogue that we tell ourselves are true, but which are blatantly untruthful. These thought patterns repeated often enough will create negative emotions that destroy our joy and ruin relationships. Those thought patterns in turn create psychological and emotional patterns that spiral our emotions downward.

Pastor Dick explores 9 results of Stinkin' Thinkin' that ruin our lives and make us emotionally unhealthy and lead us down destructive paths. Each topic is followed by patterns of thoughts that are prevelent in that dysfunction, followed by God's cure for errant thoughts. At the end of each chapter are questions to think about and discuss with others. The Appendix contains many helpful exercises and self-diagnostics that will assist you in tracking down and changing negative thought patterns.

Nine negative thought patterns that will ruin your joy and your relationships.

We expore subjects like feeling unloved, perfectionism, insecurity, anxiety, complaining, anger, lust, depression and suicidal thoughts. You can buy the book here or download a larger format of 8.5" x 11" in PDF format to print out for group studies. IT IS TOTALLY FREE TO DOWNLOAD AND USE. You'll find it helpful in understanding your moods and those of others. It is 215 pages, which includes an Appendix with self-diagnostics and tools to improve your thought life. $14.00 discount price (Regular price $15.95 elsewhere.)

Listen to Audio Messages on
"Stinkin' Thinkin'"

For some people listening to a message is easier than reading it. These messages are not exact duplicates to each chapter. They are longer will more illustrations and explanations.

Chapter by Chapter for Group Studies
8.5" x 11" PDF files

These sheets are perfect for a 12-week study. Copy them for each participant a week in advance. Be sure to use the questions at the end of each chapter, and use the Appendix for self-diagnostics and tools.

Week 1 - 8 Pages
  • Introduction (Learn the 10 Distortions)

    Week 2 - 10 pages
  • Chapter 1 - Your Mind
  • Chapter 2 - The Beginning

    Week 3 - 8 pages
  • Chapter 3 - Bitter Roots

    Week 4 - 17 pages
  • Chapter 4 - Feeling Unloved

    Week 5 - 15 pages
  • Chapter 5 - Perfectionism

    Week 6 - 21 pages
  • Chapter 6 - Inferiority

    Week 7 - 10 pages
  • Chapter 7 - Anxiety

    Week 8 - 15 pages
  • Chapter 8 - Complaining

    Week 9 - 16 pages
  • Chapter 9 - Anger

    Week 10 - 18 pages
  • Chapter 10 - Lust

    Week 11 - 19 pages
  • Chapter 11 - Depression

    Week 12 - 17 pages
  • Chapter 12 - Suicidal Thoughts

    The Appendix can be used throughout the series. At the end of each chapter are instructions of which pages to use.

  • 8.5" x 11" Extended Appendix - 27 pages

  • Helps and Downloadable PDF files.

    If you are local to Grove City, Pennsylvania you can avoid the added shipping cost by e-mail me directly at dicklaf@zoominternet.net or calling me directly (cell phone 724-372-1979) to order for pick up at my home.