"We exist to train God-hungry people in the disciplines of prayer."
Try Writing
Your Prayers to God

The Bible is filled with written prayers. Much of the Bible is the written account of individuals writing their thoughts to God, and then writing His responses as they listened for His voice. Children seem to do this best. They are uninhibited and honest. For years I have kept a private prayer journal. It is for my eyes only. My wife never sees it unless I choose to read her something from it. I learned to do this while walking through the deepest grief of my life, the death of my 12 year old daughter.

Sometimes I cried and sometimes I yelled. Sometimes I was pensive, other times I was angry. I was often deeply distressed and even severly depressed. I needed to tell someone! There were very paintful entries when I wanted to walk away from God in anger. But writing down my feelings was a first step in being honest with God and myself. Oh, don't worry. God won't get upset. He's heard it all before. Read the Psalms. Some of them are pretty painful confessions of emotions gone wild.

Try it. You'll like it. Begin with a small half-sized lined collegiate notebook. That's what I use. Every day, or whenever you can, write part of your prayer outloud on paper. A great tool is to start out by telling God what you're feeling that day. "Lord, I'm frustrated... Lord, I'm sad... Lord, I'm mad at my wife... Lord, I hate my job... Lord, I want to die... Lord, I want to cry..." Then tell the Lord about that emotion, what you are feeling, and what you think. Then end your little note to THE FATHER with a commitment of the matter to God, turn it oover to Him and watch him work.

Here's a sample of the Lord's Prayer I wrote in my pray journal a few days ago.
My Lord's Prayer

My Father...who is in heaven watching every detail of earth; my life, my falling hairs, my aches and pains, even the sparrow's fall...

My Holy Father...your name is exalted above every name - Jehovah my Provider, my Protector, and my Keeper...

My Sovereign Lord may your perfect will and plans be done today in my life, just as it is in heaven above...perfect your plans concerning me...

Give me...enough to get through this day
Forgive me...all our sins, failures, faults
Leave me not ...in temptation's hour
Deliver me...from the evil one's snares

For you alone have the power, ability and the willingness to do all these things, and even immeasurably more than we ask or imagine, through your Son, Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen (Make it so!)

Songs to accompany ...
- His Eye is on the Sparrow
- Your Name is a Strong and Mighty Tower
- Have Thine Own Way Lord

- Day by Day & with each passing moment
- According to Thy Lovingkindness Father
- Lord Save Me ! Gateway)

Now in Portuguese

O Pai Nosso ( tradução LaFountain e versão Carvalho para o portugues

Meu Pai ... que está no céu observando cada detalhe de terra; minha vida, meus cabelos caindo, minhas dores, até mesmo queda de um pardal ...

Meu Santo Pai ... seu nome é exaltado acima de todo nome - Jeová meu provedor, meu protetor, e meu Guardião ...

Meu Soberano Senhor que a tua vontade e planos perfeitos sejam feitos hoje na minha vida, assim como é no céu ... aperfeiçoa seus planos a respeito de mim ...

Dê-me ... o suficiente para passar o dia de hoje
Perdoe-me ... todos os nossos pecados, falhas, defeitos
Deixe-me ... ter-lo nas horas de tentação
Livra-me ... das ciladas do maligno

Pois somente você tem o poder, a capacidade e a vontade de fazer todas essas coisas, e até mesmo infinitamente mais do que pedimos ou pensamos, por meio de seu Filho, Jesus Cristo, nosso Senhor. Amém (Que seja assim )