by Dick LaFountain
Prayer Training
Most of us grew up without any prayer training. We learned it by the seat of our pants or by watching others pray. But if we had been with Jesus
we would have learned to pray like him. We would have listened to his instructions and followed in his footsteps. The Apostle Paul said, "Be
imitators of me as I also am of Christ." Our goal is to pray like Jesus! We have also include prayer tools to use to help grow prayer
in your life and in your church.
Prayer Actions
Positions in Prayer
Places of Prayer
Actions in Prayer
Prayer Walking
Whose Battle?
Our Authority
Use Your Authority
Our Commission
Enemy Strongholds
Our Weapons
Our Shield
Our Protection
Promises of God
Who I Am In Christ
Prayer Events
Prayer Concert
Morning Concert
2 Hour Concert
Evening Concert
Prayer Journey
Prayer Matters
Prayer Teams
Singing in Prayer
Believing Prayer
Prayer Partners
Accountability Partner
Pray God's Purposes
Bad Prayer Habits
Pray in the Spirit
A Sample Prayer
Prayer Secrets
Believing Prayer
Conversational Prayers
Bowls in Heaven
The Jesus Prayer
Intimate Patterns
Kingdom Prayers
Minister "One Another"
Unique Strategies
Prayer Walking
Seasons of Prayer
A Prayer Gazebo