"We exist to train God-hungry people in the disciplines of prayer."
"No Sweeter Name" Songs

There are many more songs and hymns that exalt the name of the Lord than can be listed here. These, however, serve as a taste or a sampling of music and lyrics that are available to assist us in our worship of his glorious name.

Some are old time hymns and choruses, others are contemporary reditions of older songs, and still others are truly contemporary worship songs. We are sure you will like some of them and find other not to your taste. Perhaps when you find one you don't care for you can search the theme of that Name of Jesus and find a better song. This is not mean to be entertainment. It is WORSHIP! Worship His Name! He is Worthy!

Due to copyright restrictions we are unable to list the lyrics here in this publication, but they are readily available on the Internet through use of any search engine. A song marked with an asterisk "*" indicates the song is different that what is listed in the print version. Songs will open on a new window. Get the book!     Get Studies

  1. My Abba - Abba, Father, Hillsong & Steve Fry

  2. My Advocate - Before the Throne of God, Charitie Lees

  3. My All in All - You Are My All in All, Dennis L. Jernigan

  4. My Alpha - Prince of Peace, Marc Imboden & Tammi Rhoton

  5. My Altar - Is Your All of the Altar?, E.A. Hoffman

  6. My Amen - Handel's Messiah, Part 3: Amen

  7. My Anchor - My Anchor Holds, William C. Martin

  8. My Author - I Fix My Eyes on You, Tommy Walker

  9. My Beginning - He Knows My Name, Tommy Walker

  10. My Bread - Guide Me O Thou Great Jehovah, William William

  11. My Deliverer - It is Well, Horatio G. Spafford

  12. My Door Way - One Door and Only One, public domain

  13. My Friend - Friend of God, Israel Houghton and Michael Gungor

  14. My Gift - Behold What Manner of Love, Patricia Van Tine

  15. My Lamb - Lamb of Glory, Phill McHugh

  16. My Resurrection - Breathe on Me Breath of God, Edwin Hatch

  17. My Life - New Life in Christ, John W. Peterson

  18. My Light - The Light of the World is Jesus, P.P. Bliss

  19. My Lion - The Lion of Judah, by Bob Marley

  20. My Morning Star - * Bright Morning Star, Cara Dillon

  21. My Physician - Only Believe, Paul Rader

  22. My Protector - Day by Day, A.L. Skoog and Carolina Sandell

  23. My Rabboni - Spirit of God, Descend Upon, George Croly

  24. My Serpent - Victory in Jesus, E.M. Bartlett

  25. My Shepherd - Shepherd of Love, by John W. Peterson

  26. My Truth - Thy Word, by Amy Grant & Michael W. Smith

  27. My Way - * God Will Make a Way

  28. My Wing - Under His Wings, M. Cushing

  29. My Sanctifier - Refiner's Fire, Brian Doerksen

  30. My Finisher - He's Still Working on Me, Joel Hemphill

  31. My Vine - Vine and Branches, Trevor Thompson

  32. My Judge - Mighty to Save, Laura Story

  33. My Word - * I Love Your Word, Seeds

  34. My Provider - No Sweeter Name, Kari Jobe

  35. My Potter - The Potter's Hand, Darlene Zschech

  36. My Ransom - Jesus Messiah, Chris Tomlin

  37. My Great I Am - The God of Abraham Praise, Daniel ben Judah

  38. My Bridegroom - The King is Coming, Bill Gaither

  39. My Jesus - Champion of Love, Phil & Carolyn Cross

  40. My Almighty God - How Great Thou Art, Carl Boberg

HE is the SAME, yesterday, today and forever!

Chris Tomlin - Lord I Need You (My Holiness)

Who Am I? I Am Yours - Casting Crowns

One Thing Remains - Jesus Culture

Chris Tomlin - Whom Shall I Fear

Lead Me to the Cross - Hillsong

Our God is an Awesome God!