Prayer-Phrenalia |
For most people who are honest about such things, prayer is boring.
That's right boring. It's like talking to no one, talking into the air, or or at best an imaginary game of "Please give me."
For most people it's hard to pray. It's hard to make it a regular habit
and it is certainly not enjoyable or more people would be spending more time doing it.
In our efforts to teach prayer we have tried hard to make prayer what it should be, an experience of being alone with God
and actually feeling his presence and hearing his voice. To do that we have developed some unique prayer tools that help
to make prayer more tangible, more visible, and more enjoyable.
Scripture Greeting Cards
Pastor Dick LaFountain is a popular preacher and conference speaker. We have a variety of sermons on CDs in Mp3 format.
With Mp3 we can fit up to 45 message on one CD.
Check it out. Buy single CDs, or thematic packs, or all 14 CDs.
We have sermons on Prayer, Thematic Messages such as The 10 Commandments and Names of God, as well as whole Book Series.