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"We exist to train God-hungry people in the disciplines of prayer."
by Dick LaFountain

The Favor
of God

Turning the Jabez prayer into a moaning and groaning prayer, "Oh, that God would bless me indeed."

Most of us spend our lives wishing for the favor of God. "Oh that you would bless me!" is often the cry of our hearts when we pray. But in reality we walk about with a mental shroud of gloom and rejection. We don't feel blessed. We often feel cheated and shortchanged by life. We don't' feel like God cares all the time.

We are like Joe Btfsplk form the Li'l Abner cartoon by Al Capp:
Joe Btfsplk, the world's worst jinx, had a perpetually dark rain cloud over his head; instantaneous bad luck befell anyone unfortunate enough to be in his vicinity. Though well-meaning and friendly, his reputation inevitably precedes him, so Joe is a very lonely little man. He has an apparently unpronounceable name, but creator Al Capp "pronounced" Btfsplk by simply blowing a "raspberry", or Bronx cheer. Joe's personal black cloud became one of the most memorable images in the Li'l Abner cartoon strip.

We are children of the King. We are joint-heir with Christ. We are seated with Christ in heavenly places. Let's think like it, act like it, feel like it, live like it. There is a reason God chose to call us "believers." What is it we believe? Our thoughts betray us. If we are feeling like paupers it is because we are not believing what God says, but rather what the enemy has sown in our cheated hearts. The Scripture says, "As a man thinks in his heart, so is he." What are you thinking in your heart today? "Let this mind be in you that was also in our Lord Jesus Christ."

Who I Am In Christ (PDF document)
How to Use the Who Am I Lists
Simplified "Who Am I"