by Dick LaFountain
16 Prayer Disciplines
No, I beat my body and make it my slave so that after I have preached to others, I myself will not be disqualified for the prize.
- 1 Corinthians 9:27
I am often asked what are some of my prayer disiplines. There are many.
These are not necessarily "daily" disciplines but they are disciplines that I regularly attempt to include in my prayer life.
Some wise man once told me that "Discipline is making yourself do what you don't want to do, because you know it is good for you."
The key here is "making yourself do something" that does not come naturally. Disciplines are new exercises which at first seem
to be hard, but once you learn the drill they are delightful. You cannot take them all on a once, but little by little, year by year,
as you add one or two you will find yourself delighting more in prayer, and looking forward to it, not dreading it.
All of these disciplines are biblical commands.
Discipline is doing what God commanded. You cannot be a friend of God until you obey his instructions and spend time with Him.
1. Discipline of Silence - Shhh, be very quiet (Ps 46:10)
2. Discipline of Solitude - alone with God and no one else (Matt 6:6)
3. Discipline of Slowness - a new pace, really slow (Luke 10:40)
4. Discipline of Stopping - stop and smell the roses (Mark 6:31)
5. Discipline of Rest - a rest unto your souls (Matt 11:29, Heb 4:9)
6. Discipline of Contemplation - think on His name (Malachi 3:16)
7. Discipline of Private Worship - singing to the Lord (Ps 96:1-4)
8. Discipline of Thanksgiving - giving thanks to Him (Ps 92:1-2)
9. Discipline of Confession - spelling out our weaknesses (James 5:16)
10. Discipline of Meditation - reading and musing on the Word (Ps 1:2)
11. Discipline of Memorization - commit God's truth to memory (Ps 119:11)
12. Discipline of Reckoning - applying God's Word to hearts (Rom. 6:11)
13. Discipline of Reading - sitting at the feet of the masters (Luke 2:46)
14. Discipline of Study - going beyond just reading the Word (2 Tim 2:15)
15. Discipline of Journaling - writing thoughts and prayers to God (Habakkuk 2:2)
16. Discipline of Crying Out to God - cast all your care upon Him (1 Pet 5:7)
Recommended Reading
Celebration of Discipline by Richard Foster